Thursday, December 7, 2006

Weird Title

When setting up my blog I had the most difficult time trying to come up with a title. Everyone else seems to be so clever with their title. So the only thing I could come up with is "What About Sharyn?" It seems like I'm constantly running around taking care of everyone else, and I tend to forget about myself. I guess that's the life of a Mom. So that's kind of why I named it what I did. The other reason why is I've been watching this show "What about Brian?" When it first came out it was REALLY good. Now it's getting to be lame. So far I'm completely disappointed in this season. It's about to be deleted from my season pass on my TIVO.
So back to what I was talking about before. Sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed. On one side I have this adolescent son of mine slowing becoming a man. On the other hand I have this wild child of a 2 year old. It's different frames of thinking when your dealing with each of them. It's exhausting. Mentally from the 11 year old and physically and mentally from the 2 year old. I love them both and even though I literally fall into bed every night I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.


nowwhatelmo said...

Sounds like a good plan to me!

Anonymous said...

I think we all need a little something for ourselves being moms! Just hard to do!

Anonymous said...

YOu look GREAT in the photos - and I totally hear you about having such a difference in wants and needs between the kids!!
I hope to start using this more, too!
I am signing this MONIQUE because I am going to put it as anonymous because I, too, can't remember my login info... LOL!!!

Unknown said...

I agree with you...i totally forget about me too. I hope you get some you time.

allison said...

Welcome to Blogland! I followed a link via Shawnie's blog. I was watching "What About Brian" too and gave it up. It's just taking weird turns that I just don't find entertaining anymore!